While every effort has been made to provide accurate and complete information the Public Health Agency (PHA) accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions resulting from information gathered from outside sources. Website users who have a problem or query with content are advised to contact the original source of information for clarification before contacting the PHA.

Where any specific organisation or service is mentioned by name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, whether in documents prepared by the PHA or contained in other documents available from the server, this does not constitute or imply any endorsement or recommendation by the PHA of that organisation or service.

With respect to documents available from the server, the PHA makes no warranty, express or implied:

·         as to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed;

·         that the use of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed will not infringe privately owned rights.

So far as the same is permitted by law, the PHA assumes no responsibility for loss or damage resulting from the use of the server.

The PHA accepts no responsibility as to the currency, accuracy or quality of the information published on or obtained from the server.

The PHA accepts no responsibility for any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed by any person, company or organisation not being the PHA.

This web server contains links to other web servers and systems. At any given moment they may be unavailable. The PHA accepts no responsibility for the availability of access to systems outside their domain.

The PHA monitors access to this server. The information it obtains – the party making the request, the time of the request and the information requested – is collected for statistical and security purposes.